Designing with Mindfulness

Space is one of the most powerful things in the world. It can breathe life and excitement into its users and that is a beautiful gift we possess as designers – the ability to shape how people feel with the way we manipulate and mold space. But what makes space great? There are many opinions on this idea, and while I do not deem to be an expert, I think the place to start is with how we experience space.
We must be active users of the world in order to understand and design for its challenges. In “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding,” John Locke claims, “No man’s knowledge here can go beyond his experience.” This quote always stands out to me because it epitomizes the idea that we must be able to experience the world around us in order to understand it, but I would also surmise, we have to experience it in order to design for it.

University of Massachusettes | Student Union Renovation

University of Massachusettes | Student Union Renovation