James C. Martin, CSSGB
I got into technology early in life, when my father started automating his small business with an IBM PC XT in the mid ’80s. There were always computers in the house, and I was drawn to their ability to create and transport you into different realities.
My passion for making things led me to architecture school, where I naturally turned to the computer as a tool to help me translate and share my ideas. Not long after graduating, I redirected my architectural creativity to designing information technology (IT) systems. The transition was easy because both roles focus on design. For me, design is the act of creating an elegant solution to a problem. Ultimately, success will depend on the questions you ask, and if you create something usable for humans.
Technology applied well—like architecture—can provide a massive amount of flexibility and value. Today, I’m happy my work still has the potential to bring people together to solve problems, engage and delight, and create things that make life better for everyone.