Project |
Location |
Category |
Year completed |
Advocate Healthcare, Advocate Sherman Hospital |
Elgin, IL |
2009 |
Ames Building, Office Building |
Boston, MA |
1893 |
Amherst College, Charles Pratt Residence Hall |
Amherst, MA |
2007 |
Arizona Star Developments, LLC, en Hance Park |
Phoenix, AZ |
2017 |
Arizona State University, Law School Study |
Tempe, AZ |
2011 |
Arizona State University, Hayden Library Master Plan |
Tempe, AZ |
2012 |
Arizona State University + Capstone Development Partners, LLC, Lantana Hall |
Mesa, AZ |
- Education
- Mixed Use
- Student Life
2020 |
Art Institute of Chicago, Museum and Gallery |
Chicago, IL |
1893 |
Atlanta University Center, Robert W. Woodruff Library |
Atlanta, GA |
- Education
- Libraries
- Planning
2010 |
Austin College, IDEA Center |
Sherman, TX |
2013 |
Banner University Medical Center, New Patient Tower and Renovations |
Tucson, AZ |
2019 |
Belmont Hill School, Melvoin Academic Building |
Belmont, MA |
2012 |
Boston Children's Hospital, Master Plan |
Boston, MA |
- Healthcare
- Pediatrics
- Planning
2015 |
Boston Children's Hospital, Berthiaume Family South Clinical Building |
Boston, MA |
- Healthcare
- Pediatrics
- Planning
2005 |
Boston Children's Hospital, Ambulatory Master Plan |
Boston, MA |
2019 |
Boston Children's Hospital, Radiology Master Plan |
Boston, MA |
2020 |
Boston Children’s Hospital, Institutional Master Plan |
Boston, MA |
2015 |
Boston Children’s Hospital, Hale Family Building |
Boston, MA |
- Healthcare
- In Progress
- Pediatrics
- Planning
2021 |
Boston College, Higgins Hall Expansion and Renovation |
Boston, MA |
2002 |
Boston Public Library, Renovation and Restoration |
Boston, MA |
2005 |
Bronson Methodist Hospital, New Replacement Campus |
Kalamazoo, MI |
2000 |
BSH Corporation, Corporate Training Center and Showroom |
Scottsdale, AZ |
2008 |
Bucknell University, Campus Master Plan |
Lewisburg, PA |
2008 |
CA Ventures, Uncommon Eugene |
Eugene, OR |
- Education
- Mixed Use
- Student Life
2014 |
CA Ventures, The Link |
Phoenix, AZ |
2019 |
CA Ventures, Uncommon Madison |
Madison, WI |
2016 |
CA Ventures, RISE on Apache |
Tempe, AZ |
2017 |
CA Ventures, Level Student Housing |
Tucson, AZ |
2013 |
CA Ventures, Fuse West Lafayette |
West LaFayette, IN |
2014 |
CA Ventures, Uncommon Flagstaff |
Flagstaff, AZ |
2021 |
Carle Health System, Emergency Department Master Plan |
Urbana, IL |
2016 |
Carle Hospital, Heart and Vascular Institute |
Urbana, IL |
2013 |
Children's Hospital and Health System, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin West Tower |
Milwaukee, WI |
2009 |
Children's Mercy Hospital, Lisa Barth Interfaith Chapel and Garden |
Kansas City, MO |
2013 |
Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Critical Care Tower |
Detroit, MI |
- Healthcare
- Pediatrics
- Planning
2017 |
Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Master Planning |
Detroit, MI |
2010 |
City of Austin, Austin Central Library |
Austin, TX |
2017 |
City of Eugene, Eugene Public Library |
Eugene, OR |
2003 |
City of Show Low, New Public Library and City Hall Renovation |
Show Low, AZ |
2010 |
Colby College, Davis Science Building |
Waterville, ME |
2014 |
Colgate University, Robert H. N. Science Center |
Hamilton, NY |
2007 |
Colgate University, Case Library and Geyer Center for Information Technology |
Hamilton, NY |
2007 |
Colorado College, Worner Center Renovation |
Colorado Springs, CO |
2011 |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Worcester Trial Court |
Worcester, MA |
2007 |
Community Mental Health Affiliates, Community Mental Health Affiliates |
New Britian, CT |
2023 |
Concord Academy, Elizabeth B. Hall Chapel Expansion and Renovation |
Concord, MA |
2004 |
Concord Hospital, East and North Wing Addition and Renovation |
Concord, NH |
2008 |
Confidential university client, Confidential university client |
Southwest Region, |
Cornell University, Kennedy Hall e-Hub |
Ithaca, NY |
2016 |
Cornell University, Africana Studies and Research Center Addition and Renovation |
Ithaca, NY |
2005 |
Dana Hall School, Shipley Athletic, Health, and Wellness Center |
Wellesley, MA |
2005 |
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Outpatient Surgery Center |
Lebanon, NH |
2010 |
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Norris Cotton Cancer Center Research Laboratories |
Lebanon, NH |
2003 |
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, New Medical Campus |
Lebanon, NH |
1991 |
Davidson College, E. Craig Wall Jr. Academic Center |
Davidson, NC |
- Education
- Planning
- Science
2017 |
Davidson College, Campus Master Plan |
Davidson, NC |
2010 |
Detroit Medical Center Children's Hospital of Michigan, Specialty Center |
Detroit, MI |
2012 |
Donor Network of Arizona, Donor Network of Arizona |
Tempe, AZ |
Duke University, Penn Pavilion |
Durham, NC |
2017 |
Duke University, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
Durham, NC |
2015 |
Duke University, Ruppert Commons, The Edge |
Durham, NC |
2014 |
Duke University, Link Teaching and Learning Center |
Durham, NC |
2008 |
Duke University, Duke Law School |
Durham, NC |
2008 |
Duke University, Perkins Library and von der Heyden Pavilion |
Durham , NC |
2005 |
East Tennessee Children’s Hospital, Scripps Networks Tower |
Knoxville, TN |
2016 |
Emeritus Institute of Management, Emeritus Institute of Management |
, |
Emma Willard School, Community Life Spaces |
Troy, NY |
2007 |
Emory University, Candler School of Theology |
Atlanta, GA |
2008 |
Endicott College, Center for the Arts |
Beverly, MA |
2008 |
Frisbie Memorial Hospital, Community Hospital Expansion and Renovation |
Rochester, NH |
2008 |
Gardner Family Health Network, Gardner Packard Children’s Health Center |
Atherton, CA |
2013 |
George Mason University, Fenwick Library Addition |
Fairfax, VA |
2015 |
Georgetown Law, Eric E. Hotung International Law Building and Scott K. Ginsburg Sports and Fitness Center |
Washington, D.C. |
2004 |
Georgetown University, Law School Master Plan |
Washington D.C., United States |
2016 |
Georgetown University, Hotung International Law Building and Sport & Fitness Center |
Washington D.C., United States |
2004 |
Groton School, Schoolhouse Addition |
Groton, MA |
2015 |
Hamline University, Anderson University Center |
Saint Paul, MN |
2012 |
Hartford Hospital, Project for Modernization |
Hartford, CT |
2010 |
Harvard Business School, Gallatin Hall |
Boston, MA |
2008 |
Harvard Business School, HBX Live |
Boston, MA |
2013 |
Harvard Medical School, Main Quadrangle |
Boston, MA |
1906 |
Harvard Medical School, Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine |
Boston, MA |
2021 |
Harvard University, Harvard Innovation Lab |
Allston, MA |
2011 |
Harvard University, Pagliuca Harvard Life Lab |
Allston, MA |
2016 |
Harvard University, Biological Laboratories |
Boston, MA |
1932 |
Illinois Wesleyan University, Hansen Student Center |
Bloomington, IL |
2002 |
Johns Hopkins University, Brody Learning Commons |
Baltimore, MD |
2011 |
Johns Hopkins University, Hackerman Hall and Mason Hall |
Baltimore, MD |
2007 |
Lake Forest College, Donnelley and Lee Library Renovation and Expansion |
Lake Forest , IL |
2004 |
Lehigh University, Clayton University Center |
Bethlehem, PA |
2021 |
Longfellow Real Estate Partners, Triangle 54 |
Research Triangle Park, NC |
- Education
- In Progress
- Science
Lovett School, Portman Family Middle School |
Atlanta, GA |
2009 |
Loyola University Maryland, Miguel B. Fernandez Family Center for Innovation and Collaboration |
Baltimore, MD |
2021 |
LV Collective, Moontower Phoenix |
Phoenix, AZ |
Anticipated 2023 |
Marquette University Law School, Raymond A. and Katherine A. Eckstein Hall |
Milwaukee, WI |
2010 |
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Surgery Center and Imaging Suite Renovation |
Boston, MA |
2010 |
Massachusetts General Hospital and North Shore Medical Center, Center for Outpatient Care |
Danvers, MA |
2009 |
McGill University, McLennan-Redpath Library and Archives Master Plan |
Montreal, QC, Canada |
- Education
- Libraries
- Planning
2015 |
McGill University, Fiat Lux Project |
Montreal, QC, Canada |
- Education
- Libraries
- Planning
2015 |
Medical College of Georgia, Medical School Campus Master Plan |
Augusta , GA |
- Education
- Healthcare
- Planning
2008 |
Memorial Hermann Medical Group, Bellaire Health Hub |
Houston, TX |
2020 |
MODUS Development, The Galleries at Turney |
Poenix, AZ |
2007 |
Multiple US-based design firms, Multiple US-based design firms |
, |
North Shore Medical Center, New ED and Inpatient Psychiatry Renovations |
Salem, MA |
2019 |
Northeastern University, Campus Plan |
Boston, MA |
1934 |
Northwell Health, Surgical Services Master Plan |
Mount Kisco, NY |
2019 |
Partners In Health, University of Global Health Equity |
Butaro, Rwanda |
- Education
- Healthcare
- In Progress
2018 |
Partners In Health, Center of Excellence for Rehabilitation and Education |
St. Marc, Haiti |
2013 |
Philadelphia University, Kanbar College of Design, Engineering, and Commerce |
Philadelphia, PA |
2012 |
Philadelphia University, Kanbar Campus Center |
Philadelphia, PA |
2006 |
Phillips Academy, Rebecca M. Sykes Wellness Center |
Andover, MA |
2015 |
Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens |
Pittsburgh, PA |
Princeton University, Firestone Library |
Princeton, NJ |
- Education
- Libraries
- Planning
2009 |
Princeton University, Marquand Library of Art and Archaeology |
Princeton, NJ |
2003 |
Private Owner, Hoover House |
Phoenix, AZ |
2007 |
Property Markets Group, X Phoenix |
Phoenix, AZ |
Anticipated |
Queen's University Belfast, McClay Library |
Belfast, North Ireland |
2009 |
Rice University, Fondren Library and Master Plan Update |
Houston, TX |
- Education
- Libraries
- Planning
2006/2013 |
Ringling College of Art and Design, Alfred R. Goldstein Library |
Sarasota, FL |
2016 |
Rockefeller Foundation, Peking Union Medical College |
Beijing, China |
1921 |
Saint Peter's University, MacMahon Student Center |
Jersey City, NJ |
2013 |
Salem Hospital Main Lobby , Salem Hospital Main Lobby |
Salem, MA |
2023 |
Salem State University, Frederick E. Berry Library and Learning Commons |
Salem, MA |
2013 |
Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe Community College |
Santa Fe, NM |
Shepley Bulfinch, Phoenix Office Renovation |
Phoenix, AZ |
2014 |
Shepley Bulfinch, Boston Office and Design Studio |
Boston, MA |
2006 |
Smith College, Smith Library Master Plan |
Northampton, MA |
- Education
- In Progress
- Libraries
- Planning
2020 |
Smith College, Smith College Neilson Library |
Northampton, MA |
2020 |
Smithsonian Institution, South Quadrangle Project |
Washington D.C., United States |
1987 |
Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Medical Center |
Tempe, AZ |
2010 |
Squaw Valley USA, Squaw Valley Cable Car Terminal |
Squaw Valley, CA |
1970 |
Stanford University, Inner Quadrangle and Master Plan |
Stanford, CA |
1887 |
Teachers College at Columbia University, Smith Learning Theater |
New York, NY |
2016 |
The Awty International School, Early Learning Campus |
Houston, TX |
2017 |
The University of Arizona , Chemistry Renovation and The Commons |
Tuscon, AZ |
2022 |
Timber Lane Community Center, Timber Lane Community Center |
The Woodlands, TX |
2020 |
Trinity Cathedral, Cathedral and Parish House |
Boston , MA |
1921 |
Trinity Episcopal Church, Trinity Church |
Boston, MA |
1877 |
True North Studio, Roosevelt Land Yacht Club |
Phoenix, AZ |
True North Studio & Hatteras Sky, McKinley Green |
Phoenix, AZ |
Anticipated (2023) |
University College Cork, Boole Library Expansion and Renovation |
Cork, Ireland |
2008 |
University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Skaggs Pharmaceutical Sciences Center |
Tucson, AZ |
- Education
- Healthcare
- Science
2020 |
University of Arizona Health Network, University Campus, Planning and Radiology Renovations |
Tucson, AZ |
2014 |
University of Arizona Health Network, Surgical Services & Radiology Master Plans |
Tucson, AZ |
2013 |
University of California, Riverside, Genomics Building |
Riverside, CA |
2009 |
University of California, Riverside, Psychology Building |
Riverside, CA |
2008 |
University of Denver, Ricketson Law Building – Sturm College of Law |
Denver, CO |
2004 |
University of Houston, Health and Biomedical Sciences Buildings 1 & 2 |
Houston, TX |
- Education
- In Progress
- Science
2017 |
University of Houston, John M. O’Quinn Law Building |
Houston, TX |
2022 |
University of Maine, Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine |
Augusta, ME |
2007 |
University of Maryland Eastern Shore, School of Pharmacy and Health Building |
Princess Anne, MD |
- Education
- In Progress
- Science
2021 |
University of Maryland Eastern Shore, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions |
Princess Anne, MD |
- Education
- In Progress
- Science
2022 |
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Student Union Renovation |
Amherst, MA |
2021 |
University of Mexico, Science and Math Learning Center |
Albuquerque, NM |
2010 |
University of Michigan Health System, University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center |
Ann Arbor, MI |
2007 |
University of New England, University Commons |
Biddeford, ME |
2018 |
University of New Mexico, Centennial Engineering Center |
Albuquerque, NM |
2008 |
University of Notre Dame, Hesburgh Libraries Master Plan and Renovation |
Notre Dame, IN |
2017 |
Upward Projects, Postino East |
Gilbert, AZ |
2012 |
Upward Projects, Windsor and Churn |
Phoenix, AZ |
2011 |
Upward Projects, Joyride Taco House |
Gilbert, AZ |
2015 |
Upward Projects, Federal Pizza |
Phoenix, AZ |
2015 |
Upward Projects, Postino East |
Gilbert, AZ |
Virginia Commonwealth University, James Branch Cabell Library |
Richmond, VA |
2016 |
Virginia Commonwealth University, Massey Cancer Center |
Richmond, VA |
2006 |
Wabash College, New Residential District and Renovation to Martindale Hall |
Crawfordsville, IN |
2016 |
Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo, John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital |
Buffalo, NY |
2017 |
Xavier University, Residence Hall and Dining Commons |
Cincinnati, OH |
2011 |
Xavier University, Conaton Learning Commons and Williams College of Business |
Cincinnati, OH |
2010 |
Xavier University, Campus Master Plan |
Cincinnati, OH |
2007 |
Yale New Haven Health, Yale New Haven Health System |
New Haven, CT |
---- |
Yale New Haven Health, Master Planning at the Saint Raphael Campus |
New Haven, CT |
2020 |
Yale New Haven Health, OR Master Plan – Surgical Services |
New Haven, CT |
2020 |
Yale New Haven Health/Bridgeport Hospital, Park Avenue Medical Center |
Trumbull, CT |
2016 |
Yale New Haven Hospital, Smilow Cancer Hospital |
New Haven, CT |
2009 |
Yale University, Irving S. Gilmore Music Library |
New Haven, CT |
1998 |
Young Men's Christian Association, New YMCA Building |
Boston, MA |
1913 |